Saturday, October 18, 2014

Day 18-Counting Down the Days

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These are the days that try your patience. Counting down to surgeries or any type of procedure really is  nerve racking, and can make you irritated and anxious. I am both.
I'm having a procedure done Monday and I'm not looking forward to it. Over the past few years I have been to more doctors than I would like to think about. I don't want to go to another at all, but I do have another specialist to visit after this. ugh.

My last couple of specialists haven't been that great. Oh, they are nice... but they didn't really help, and in the case of one... maybe hurt?
One of the specialists wanted to do another surgery on my eye to see if they could repair some of the damage, another says no... one says that it is not even damaged, the first says yes it is... the second says that medications will help... the third says no... the first says surgery... the second says surgery, but not the same as the first... and so on... No two can agree and heaven help you if you say... well... Dr. so and so said this... they will all disagree!
So here I am.
Waiting to figure out which one is right.
All along it might be that I need to go to a larger city to find a doctor that might have the answer. I need to be evaluated again to find out if I qualify for training for low vision. All the doctors agree that it would help. Not all of them agree that my vision won't return. One says that it won't, another says it might, the third says there is no reason that I shouldn't be able to see... of course he does say that there are several other things going on that the other two say aren't... sigh...
Is this confusing?
Is there any easy solution to the doctor problems?
Am I frustrated?
Will I ever be able to see any better than now?
I guess that time will tell.