Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day 28- Always Beginning Again

My daughter was an only child for many, many years. She wanted a brother or sister, and I tried, I miscarried soon after I had her, overf the years I had several more miscarriages one a preterm delivery at 25 weeks, that was not viable is what the doctor told me... my time schedule of having a bunch of kids early was off... I borrowed kids; my sisters, inlaws, friends... I had a Girl Scout troop, I homeschooled,  for a time and babysat, I helped out with events and organized and got my mind off having kids... I worked at home then started back full time when my daughter went into Junior High, then before you knew it, my daughter was in High School and  I babysat my great-nieces and nephews  and thought that I would never have more kids...

At 41... I had a son.

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